Introducing Bases Roaded, A Baseball Road Trip Router
I’ve been taking small roadtrips based around visiting baseball stadiums for years. I’ve always felt it’s a good activity around which to explore new cities. When only visiting a city or two, they are very easy to plan.
Several years ago, a friend and I got the idea to take a 2 week trip. We didn’t have any particular time or destinations in mind, but we knew we wanted to see a lot of ballparks. This made planning the trip more complicated than a 3 day trip; after a lot of trial an error,
we eventually settled on a trip which had us hitting 9 ballparks in 12 days and we had a great time.
I knew other people did these trips as well, and it made me think there had to be a better way to do that planning.
And now there is….
I’ve created a website called Bases Roaded ( which helps explore various trip possibilities in the current MLB season.
The main function of the site is to present all possible trips matching a user’s criteria.
There are a number of ways from which to look at these trips, and I’ve tried to address them all.
For instance,
1. Some fans know they have a certain week off and want to see as many stadiums as possible.
2. Some may have more flexibility in which dates, but know the only want to be gone a certain number of day
3. Some may know exactly which stadiums they want to visit on their trip
I’ll present more depth on the product in future posts.
For now, take a look and let me know your thoughts.